Core beliefs
of the TJCII vision
Without the unity of Jews and Gentiles in one Body, the Bride of Christ will be not ready for the return of Jesus
The Second Jerusalem Council must be a united governmental decision of leaders of all churches (not only some), as it was in Acts 15
At the first Jerusalem Council in Acts 15, the Jewish apostles of Jesus welcomed Gentiles without requiring that they become Jews. Following the historical exclusion, erasure, and attempted eradication of Jewish followers of Jesus from the Body of Messiah, TJCII is proceeding toward a second Jerusalem Council, where leaders of all Christian churches will meet together. This second council is significant because it signifies a turning point where the Gentile church will animate, advocate for, and accept Jewish followers of Jesus with their God-given Jewish identity and practices.
Jesus will not come, until the Jewish people receive him as their Messiah
Our painful Christian history with Jewish people, with many centuries of antisemitism, led both Judaism and Christianity to believe the same lie. If a Jew believes in his own Jewish Messiah – Jesus – he is not any more a Jew, because he has converted to Christianity. However, the Jewish way of life of Jesus, of His mother Mary, and of all His Jewish apostles, shows something different. If a Jew believes in Jesus, he/she not only stays Jewish, but more than that: only now can he/she fully live according to the Torah, as Jesus lived it by the power of the Spirit.
We believe that true repentance by Gentile Christians towards Jews, renouncing replacement theology and aligning rightly with Messianic Jews, will change the spiritual atmosphere. This will lead to a new openness of the Jewish people to accept their own Jewish Messiah, without us trying to “convert” them to a Gentile Christianity. We must always remember Jesus’ words, that He will come again only when His people, the Jews, will welcome Him as their Messiah (Matt 23:39; Rom 11:22-27; Zech 12:10).
When Messianic Jews take their proper place, the unity of the “one new man” will be restored (Eph 2:11-22) and this will lead to the “restoration of all things” (Acts 3:19-26)
The work of TJCII is foundational for both Christian and Messianic Jewish ministries and for the whole Church. When Jewish followers of Jesus are grafted back into their own olive tree (Rom 11:23), it will be “life from the dead” for all followers of Jesus, and even the world (Rom 11:12, 15).